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Dr. Christie Black-Murrell- Women of Excellence Spotlight

Jennifer Diaby

Dr. Christie Black-Murrell


Dr. Christie Black-Murrell was born and raised in Columbus, GA just 100 miles south of the big city of Atlanta, GA. She is an author, counselor, and speaker who has learned the power of words. All her life she has used writing as an avenue to express her feelings and creative imagination. She has several publications of poetry beginning in 2008 and has also written other genres to include adult and children's fiction. Her last five releases since (2020) were all social-emotional learning books speaking to children about self-awareness and social awareness specifically. Christie loves the written and spoken word which she uses as an avenue to "Speak Life and Promote Love" to all that she engages. She believes that writing is a part of her purpose in life and gives her all in everything that does. Lastly, Dr. Christie is a devoted wife and mother of two inquisitive little girls who believe in finding the positive in all things.

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If you would like to order a copy of Dr. Christie Black-Murrell's books, visit her website at


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