Dr. Richelle Resto's Interview
Interviewer: Please introduce and tell us a little about yourself.
Dr. Richelle Resto is packaged with an authentic style, charisma, conceptual ideas, and wisdom. I am dedicated to sharing realistic, accessible, sassy, fun, cheeky, and sometimes confrontational information needed to make people dreams become a reality! I believe in Making Transformational Move! Dr. Richelle (Resto) McMillan
Interviewer: What inspired you to become an Author and write inspirational Christian books?
I’ve been journaling since my high school into my adulthood years. Many of my journals are memoir of short stories that has been captured from various life experiences.
Interviewer: Where can your books be purchased?
WEBSITE ….. https://www.drrichelleresto.org/home
Interviewer: Do you have any books to be released in the upcoming year?
Yes, I do have a book to be released next year called "Married To The Pastor Preacher."
Interviewer: Dr. Resto, you are the Founder of the ministry “Spiritual Sons and Daughters Movement.” Please tell us what is the mission of your ministry?
Dr. Resto has been instrumental in overseeing various departments within the ministry. She has assisted ministries with implementing viable children's tutoring programs within several ministries and has had the opportunity to oversee various departments. She is the Founder and President of a monumental Women’s ministry called the Spiritual Daughters Movement. This movement has empowered, encouraged and equipped Women of God around the country to reach their zenith in the Body of Christ. She is very involved in community activities and has a desire to move people towards discipleship, spiritual maturity through worship, ministry and edification.
Interviewer: You are the host of two podcasts, Dr. Richelle Resto Show on The Glory Network and Dr. Richelle 30 For 30 Show? Please tell the readers about your podcasts along with their purpose?
Podcast Description:
Dr. Richelle Resto Show is designed to share three great books to help women understand the rationale of the gifts of pain, devastation, rejection and the purpose of tears. It will help individuals reshape the secrets that have been buried and reclaim your freedom! Make sure to tune into Dr. Richelle Resto's podcast weekly to support the show, which is on The Glory Network. It will encourage you to reclaim your freedom and walk into your God-given purpose.
Interviewer: Give us some words to educate, inspire, and encourage women and all of our readers of Growth Women’s Business Networks Magazine.
We are all facing times that will challenge us and allow us to realize that the excruciating pain is producing our destiny and revealing our true authentic character. Your tears sown now have produced your purpose and is watering your destiny. You have attended enough conferences, heard enough sermons, read enough social media messages, attended enough revivals and been around enough Christians who talk and act “Christian-ese”. Now is your time to transform others and make your destiny become a reality. Your aim now is to set aside time to pray, practice, praise and get in position to make your destiny become a reality. All eyes have been and will be on you to take accountability, transform your character, and rise above and beyond your limitations. It’s time for you to fulfill YOUR Destiny.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Richelle Resto's books and services, visit her website at https://www.drrichelleresto.org/home