Kimberly Johnson
Kimberly Johnson has been a registered nurse for the past 13 years. She graduated from Norfolk State University in Norfolk, Virginia with an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) on May 8, 2010. Kimberly passed boards on April 1, 2011. In February 2015, she graduated from South University Online (based in Savannah, Georgia) with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN).
Kimberly's work experience is in personal care and home health. She has worked with Medicaid, Medicare, Private Pay, and Veteran Affair clients who are eligible for either home health or personal care services. Kimberly has taught Personal Care Aide (PCA) classes and one Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) class.
Kimberly Johnson is a June 2018 graduate of the Maryland University of Integrative Health based in Laurel, Maryland, where she obtained her master’s degree in therapeutic herbalism.

Follow on social media:
Instagram Business Page: Elements of Healing, LLC (@elementsofhealing2016) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/elementsofhealing2016/
If you would like to learn more about Kimberly Johnson's service, visit her website at Elements of Healing, LLC | handmade herbal products (elementsofhealing2016.com)