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Stephanie Gives-Winckler-Author, Fashion Enthusiasts, Illustrator, Preschool Teacher, and Writer

Jennifer Diaby

Updated: Mar 23, 2024

Women's History Month Spotlight

Stephanie Gives-Winckler


Stephanie Gives-Winckler is an Author, Fashion Enthusiasts, Illustrator, Preschool Teacher, and Writer. She grew up in New York and developed a love for art and all things creative. This helped her develop a love for illustration and eventually writing and illustrating children’s books. She is a graduate of Central Islip High School located on Long Island, New York and received a degree from Midlands Technical College in Columbia, SC. Stephanie has written two children’s books and currently the organizer of the South Carolina Strollathon to Benefit The International Rett Syndrome Foundation, which raises awareness and funding on behalf of children diagnosed with RS.

Women's History Month Spotlight Interview

Ms. Stephanie Gives-Winckler, you the Founder of “Dream of Becoming A Better Me. The Tiffanie Nina Simone Foundation.” Tell the reader about “The Tiffanie Nina Simone Foundation.

At the age of three (3), my daughter, Tiffanie Nina Simone, was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder, Rett Syndrome, which affects 1 - 10,000 girls and is rarely seen in boys. After Tiffanie’s passing at the age of fourteen (14) in 2011, I wanted to form a foundation to keep her memory alive.  Dreams of Becoming A Better Me - The Tiffanie Nina Simone Foundation was established to promote the Power of Friendship among girls and women, bring awareness and raise funds on behalf of the International Rett Syndrome Foundation.  

Where can the readers learn more about your foundation to support you?

In 2020 I partnered with the IRSF to create the first Strollathon in Columbia, South Carolina.  This year, I will be revamping the foundation to incorporate more fundraising events and networking opportunities.   You can learn more about me by following my work on Linkedin and Facebook under my name, Stephanie Gives Winckler.  

Tell us about your first children’s book, “The Best Girl Friends Ever” and the reason you wrote it.

After Tiffanie’s passing, I needed a way to express myself and relieve the grief of losing a daughter.  The memories of Tiffanie and her Best-Sister/ Girlfriends inspired me to write and illustrate my first children’s book, “The Best Girlfriends Ever”.  I believe Tiffanie’s friendships were the reasons why she lived such a happy life.  Her girlfriends poured so much love and attention into her and never excluded her in any activities in spite of her disabilities.  Isn’t that what Best Girlfriends Are For?

You have an upcoming photo shoot for your book, “Best Girl Friends Ever.” Tell us about this amazing upcoming photo shoot.

The Best Girlfriends Ever Photo Shoot will take place August 3rd, 2024 to commemorate International Girlfriends Day and to kickoff  Rett Syndrome Awareness Month which takes place in October.  Details and locations will be announced on my facebook page and social media.  Bring your best girlfriends out for a festive time and to support The Power of Friendship.  

I absolutely love the book title and the illustrations for your second book, “Mommy and Me Under the Magnolia Tree.” I know you wrote the book as the author and did the beautiful illustrations. Tell us about “Mommy and Me Under the Magnolia Tree.”

I am so proud of the positive reviews that I have received regarding my second children’s book,  “Mommy and Me Under The Magnolia Tree”.  It’s an ode to all mothers and their children expressing how memories are created through special moments spent with our mothers.   It’s a special poem that is written from Tiffanie’s point of view if she was able to talk.  Tiffanie was nonverbal and the concept of the book came to me in a dream.  She always had a smile on her face and she had other mother figures in her life that loved on her as well.  So the book is dedicated to mothers everywhere and I hope I made Tiffanie proud.  

Where can the readers purchase copies of your children’s books?

To purchase my book, “Mommy and Me Under The Magnolia Tree”, you can go to Civin Media Relations at  To order, “The Best Girlfriend Ever” you can go to or email me at  I always have copies of my books at my home as well.  Therefore, please reach out to me and I will make sure to get you a copy of my books.  

Ms. Stephanie Gives-Winckler, I know you have been an Educator for many years. Tell us about what you love the most about teaching children.

I have been an educator in the preschool classroom for almost 10 years and in total early childhood development for almost 20 years.  What I love most about working with children is there is never a dull moment.  Everyday is different and to see children light up from learning is an honor and a privilege to witness daily.  Between the ages of birth and four (4) years of age are the most crucial parts of a child’s development.  As an educator, it is paramount that I get our children ready to learn in order to succeed in life.

What advice would you give someone who would like to go into the Education field as a career in the future?

Anyone going into the field of education I would advise them to absolutely love what they are doing.  Do it from your heart and remember no one is perfect!  You’re going to make mistakes and feel you aren’t being effective enough, but just know those children depend on you and they are listening.  Also, take time for your mental, emotional, and physical health, because if you don’t have your health; you have nothing to give your students.

What is one of your greatest accomplishments?

You asked me what is one of my greatest accomplishments.  I must say becoming a mother is profoundly the greatest accomplishment I have ever achieved.  

Do you have any upcoming conferences, events, or workshops?

I have a few events coming up this year to raise awareness about Rett Syndrome.  I will be participating in Columbia Fashion Week this summer.  In August, The Best Girlfriends Photo Shoot will take place.  October is Rett Syndrome Awareness Month and a rally will take place in Columbia.  Dates and times will be announced very soon.  

Please give us some words to educate, inspire, and encourage women and the readers of Growth Women's Business Networks Magazine.

I want your readers to be inspired by knowing that everyone has a story to tell and it’s important that their story should be told.  It’s not your story to keep. By sharing your accomplishments or hardships, you don’t know who it might be a blessing when they hear your story.  Learn to forgive yourself, ask for help and cry if you need to.  Always, be grateful for what you do have and tomorrow is another day to be the person you always desired to become.



Facebook: Author & Illustrator Stephanie G. Winckler

Instagram: Author Stephanie Gives

To purchase copies of Stephanie Gives-Winckler books, send email to or


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