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Tamara C. Gooch-Founder/CEO of Tamara C. Gooch Consulting

Jennifer Diaby

Tamara C. Gooch


When many think about taking the leap from Corporate America into full-time entrepreneurship, it can be a scary idea. However, when Tamara Gooch left and embarked on her entrepreneurship journey, it wasn’t about her at all. She envisioned building a legacy for her children, and children’s children, and helping others take the leap and reach new heights in their journey to lifestyle, time, and financial freedom. What makes Tamara a force to be reckoned with in the marketplace is the fact that her ultimate success is strategically tied to the success of those she works with. Unlike most Master Certified Coaches who build and strategize from the sidelines, her clients walk away with clarity around their next life and business move. Moreover, who their target market is, and how to generate recurring revenue – but they also gain a heightened sense of confidence & clarity in their abilities.

After publishing her first book in 2012, then, it landed in the right hands to be mentioned on NPR, which led to multiple speaking engagements, & facilitating workshops, Tamara knew she’d tapped into an innate ability that she – and the world around her – so desperately needed. She went on to author multiple interactive self-help workbooks, co-authored four bestselling anthologies, and one international bestseller with great literary greats of all calibers. Her work has also been featured in Black Couples Getaway Magazine, Self-Care Magazine, various other online magazines, and blogs such as Mom Life Happy Life, Redefining Mom Blog & WIC (Women, Infants & Children) Blog.

Tamara is on a strategic mission to alleviate generational poverty with her advanced programs & courses. These programs yield a rinse and repeat proven system that helps her clients produce products and services and provides a much-needed jolt to the overall state of the economy.

So, who is Tamara C. Gooch? She is a multi-passionate serial entrepreneur, Master Certified Coach, Transformational Speaker, International Bestselling Author, Podcast & TV Show Host, & Fashion Designer. I empower busy moms to unlock their superpower, overcome mental blocks, and turn their clutter into clarity and that clarity into coins. With my guidance, they discover their true potential, launch their dream business, and achieve success on their own terms, all while maintaining a fulfilling family life, but most importantly w/o sacrificing time with self.

Front Cover Spotlight Interview

The theme for this magazine edition is “Women Trailblazers.” I know you are a woman trailblazer creating opportunities and paving the way for others. Please tell us about your work as the Founder/CEO of Tamara C. Gooch Consulting, Certified Master Business & Life Coach, Multi-Passionate Serial Entrepreneur, and Transformational Speaker.

This has been a work of passion of mine that stemmed from one book. Once I knew I had to pause and submit my ideas to Christ to be that woman who creates opportunities and paves the way for other moms seeking to release clutter in various areas of life in order to have the life and/or business they so desire. A life where they can live free of and know how to evaluate, reduce, and release financial, emotional, digital, mental, spiritual, relational, & physical clutter.

Where can the readers learn more about your services?

By visiting my calendar at or my website that is currently being updated at

Mrs. Gooch, you are an International Best-Selling Author of several books. You have written a few books on the topic of domestic violence and telling your story. Please tell us about your books. Also, how can your books help women who might be experiencing domestic violence to get the courage to leave abusive relationships?

My first self-published book titled – The Day She Left-A Domestic Abuse Survivors Story. This book tells the story of how I escaped an abusive marriage, starting over from scratch and offering services to other women who might have experienced similar assault or abuse to share their stories in an anthology. The first book also provided space for 7 other women to share their stories as well. The first book has a resource chapter for every state as well as an escape plan. It provides the necessary truth on all areas of abuse & assault to help women understand it and power and strength they need to escape and start over.

My first book was also turned into a stage play that was well-received by many and have recently been asked to bring it back to the stage.

What advice would you give to women who feel trapped that they cannot leave their domestic abusive relationships?

First, acknowledge your worth and value! Know that you are the prize, a precious gem, a Queen that deserves to be treated as such. You deserve better and can have better yet one must be smart to know how to plan and who to reach out to be removed from the abusive location. That woman must want to leave and has made the decision in her mind that she will do what is necessary to get herself and children, if possible, to safety.

There are many people who are interested in starting an online business. Tell us about your book, “Starting an online business.”

Well, this is a small eBook that serves as a starter to those seeking to start an online business. The course and coaching that I offer along with this starter eBook will provide them with what is needed to not only start that successful business but generate consistent revenue from it.

Where can your books be purchased?

All my books can be purchased from me by clicking on the links below. Autographed by the author.

The Day She Left-A Domestic Abuse Survivors Story –

The Day She Left-A Survivor’s Diary, Vol. 1 –

The Day She Left-A Survivor’s Diary, Vol 2 -

Congratulations, you recently designed and launched handbags along with shoes through “The CG Collection.” We celebrate with you. Tell us about your new business as a fashion designer.

As sexy as shoes can be, they have rarely been accessible for women with feet that are slightly larger than the average footprint; and our founder Tamara Gooch speaks from experience that it can be soul-destroying when just as you think you have found the perfect shoes, there are none that fit. Which is one of the reasons why The CG Collection was born. The CG Collection put the ‘soul’ back into fashion and allows women of all shapes, all sizes, and of all tastes to be able to walk the fashion catwalk of life and feel as beautiful as they deserve to be...with a matching luxurious handbag to match!

As a fashionista who loves to shop for quality clothing, Tamara Gooch became fed up with only finding shoes she admired being too cramped, or shoes that were too small.

or un-stylish. She did her research and learned that other women with slightly larger footprints felt the same frustration. As a serial entrepreneur, she couldn't help but wonder why department stores and fashion designers didn't consider this large untapped market. They were missing a big piece of the pie. She bravely set out to design a shoe that has won fans, and plaudits for our sleek designs, and comfortable footwear.

You have a podcast called “Chocolate Chat Café: Candid Conversation Tamara Gooch. Tell us about your podcast and where can the readers tune in to listen.

A podcast designed to give moms and women a place to have Real, Raw & Authentic dialogue. All while helping build a thriving business and a life of joy and freedom. Each episode we’ll dive into candid conversations around various topics, ultimately learning what it means to work smarter, grow our influence, never stop learning and flourish in Business, Family & in Life. I am currently working on an online TV Show as well and will soon transition over to this platform. So, stay tuned.

If someone would like to support you by ordering your handbags or shoes. What is your website?

Do you have any upcoming conferences, events, or workshops?

A local event where I will be a panel at a women’s revival.

Working on a women’s retreat Spring 2024- P⁴ Retreat: Poised & Positioned w/ Purpose & Power

A masterclass for moms seeking to start an online business, create digital products that sell like wildfire, and side hustle success.

Give us some words to educate, inspire, and encourage women, and the readers of Growth Women’s Business Networks Magazine.

Never be afraid to Stop, Pause, Refocus, Pray, Pray some more, Keep Praying, and Start Over! Know that God, the Creator of Heaven, and Earth gives us the power and strength to create wealth and do great things. Remember times may get hard, and strenuous, but know when you are weak that is when you are your strongest, and when you feel strong, that is when you are your weakest. Seek Jesus Christ for that peace, that harmony, as He is our strength when we feel weak and feel like we can’t move. Seek His strategy, His will, His way. That’s the Power you need to get up and do what you were Purposed to do!

One of the best quotes I live by is by Maya Angelou,

“You want me to do something, tell me I can’t do it!

If you would like to learn more about Coach Tamara Gooch's books, products, or services visit her websites.

Online Shoe Boutique:

Digital Product Store:


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